The Endocrine System.

What is it?

The Endocrine System is a series of glands which make and secrete hormones that the body uses.

These hormones control many functions, such as:

  • respiration

  • metabolism

  • reproduction

  • sensory perception

  • movement

  • sexual development

  • growth


The Endocrine System involves several different glands and organs to help the body function. These glands include:

  • hypothalamus

  • pituitary gland 

  • parathyroids

  • pancreas

  • thyroid

  • adrenal gland

  • pineal gland

  • ovaries

  • testes

When any of the endocrine glands produce the wrong amount of hormones, diseases can develop that affect our daily lives

Glands and Functions

Hypothalamus: responsible for body temperature, hunger, mood, the releases of hormones from other glands, as well as thirst, sleep, and sex drive

Pituitary gland: controls other glands and creates the hormones which trigger growth

Parathyroids: controls the amount of calcium in the body

Pancreas: produces insulin to help control blood sugar levels

Thyroid: produces hormones associated with calorie burning and heart rate

Adrenal gland: produce hormones that controls sex drive and cortisol, the stress hormone

Pineal gland: produces melatonin, which affects sleep

Ovaries: only found in women, ovaries secrete estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone

Testes: only found in men, testes produce sperm and testosterone

Your thyroid

Your thyroid is very important! It is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It has a right lobe and left lobe, with a bridge in-between called an isthmus. Your thyroid produces hormones that act throughout your body, affecting metabolism, growth, development, and body temperature.

More Educational Resources

  • Thyroid Disease

    Learn the difference between hypo- and hyperthyroidism, and Graves Disease.

  • Thyroid Cancer

    Learn about the types of thyroid cancer: papillary, follicular, medullary, anapestic and hürthle cell.

  • Survivorship

    Information on thyroid hormone replacement medication, care plans and what comes after.